It may have been designed to celebrate the very best of print, but now the Baddeley Brothers book is being celebrated for its digital credentials. Its popularity with design influencers and support from online magazines and design bloggers was impressive enough to help win Gold in the CIPR Midlands PRide Awards for best digital campaign.
The judges were highly impressed by the Baddeley Brothers book launch, commenting: “It was refreshing to read an entry which focused on revitalising print, as well as showcasing a family business using its history. The implementation of tactics showed thorough planning and execution which achieved positive results, demonstrating the importance and value of a 12-generation reputation.”
Baddeley Brothers Director Charles Pertwee added: “Designers and creatives use all forms of media to find inspiration, which is why it was important to use digital channels to share news of the launch, preview excerpts and reveal video from behind the scenes about the making of the book. I hope that our friends, customers and design community have enjoyed sharing this journey with us.”
View the winners here.